Women care service in Tarragona

Gender equality Department of the regional government

Impulsed by:
Year: 2023


After providing its services at SIE Sant Feliu de Llobregat since 2019, Dones Mentores will develop a network of mentors at SIE Tarragona in 2023.

The Serveis d’Intervenció Especialitzada (SIE) or Network of Specialised Attention Services, is part of the framework of state care in Catalunya focused on the care and recovery of women who suffer gender-based violence. Currently, there are 17 SIE throughout Catalonia.

Together with the professional team in the region, we set out a proposal whereby women using these comprehensive services would receive accompaniment from trained mentors. Given that the SIEs are regional centres, Dones Mentores assumed the role of cultivating the networks not only with women who have received attention, but also with local women from the region.


The Generalitat (Catalonian regional government) wished to test this working methodology as a complement to the comprehensive action of its professional teams. With the introduction of mentoring, intervention becomes more global and integrated in all aspects of women’s lives, inside and outside the specialised care services. Mentoring contextualises the acquired experience and places value on the processes of surviving and overcoming situations of violence, working both horizontally and multi-directionally.

Dones Mentores expects to be useful and strategic, given our own direct experience at SIE Sant Feliu de Llobregat.


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